

We had a great Thanksgiving again this year....even if we did celebrate a little late on Saturday! We wanted our friends to be able to come and Thursday is not a holiday in Germany,  which is mildly shocking considering just about every other day is...see post here for more about that!

I went with a more modern eclectic table setting this year that sprung off my new 9.00 Euro teal Ikea tablecloth. It was on sale and I couldn't resist the stripes and the material is nice and durable. The mustard color is actually really pretty too...maybe next time! 

GLĂ„NTA tablecloth from Ikea

A while back I visited a local park and picked up some large bark pieces and decided to incorporate those in as well. I dried them in the oven and then added some gold paint to lighten the wood and add some interest. With candles we had and some orange lanterns (real branches given to me by our landlord) I think it turned out okay.

This year I simplified the menu a little, but it was less stressful and to tell you the truth Germans have no idea what you normally eat on thanksgiving so they didn't miss the sweat potatoes or green bean casserole. I decided on a new spanjer favorite "roasted broccoli" and then just stuck to the classics including homemade cranberry sauce  which is really easy to make and tastes way better than the canned version. We used Alton Brown's brining and turkey cooking recipe thanks to my parents suggestion and it turned out great! I think an improvement from last year and a lot shorter cooking time.

Stephen did the honors of cutting our little bird to pieces

and we finished the night off watching Men In Black 3. It was a fun night of friends, family, and lots of eating! Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving! 


Cheap Trip

At the end of August I took a quick trip north to visit a good friend who moved to Bonn to attend college. I purchased my train ticket through a last minute discount website and was delighted to only pay 25 Euros each way. Not bad for a 5 hour train ride that usually cost around 80 Euro each way! Here is a link to the website in case you are ever in need of some discounted Rail Tickets: http://www.ltur.com/de/bahn.html....you can also get tickets to Paris for 35 Euro from our home. Feel free to come and visit and we can test out the Paris route!

University Students get a free pass to ride all public transportation and lucky for me they get to take a friend free after 7 pm. Since Bonn is only a 20 minute train ride away from Cologne, and it was free, Leo and I went for dinner one night. Here is the main cathedral, which is the largest Gothic church in Northern Europe. 

You will love the european rail system, come and try it out!