
Parking Lot Party!

July 6th was an important day here in Neuenburg...Claudine turned 26! She usually is against any kind of celebration but we talked her into a party this year and had a nice dinner in the "parking lot"! She wanted her grandmother to be able to attend so the only place that was big enough without stairs was the gravel parking lot in all it's beauty!

I made guacamole dip upon Claudine's request and must say it has become quite the hit here in Germany! I use a recipe from the Eastwood Cookbook (thank you Amylynne Blake) and just sub in whatever we have left in the refrigerator. It is a simple recipe that calls for avocado, onion, lime juice, sour cream, salsa, garlic, tomatoes, salt and pepper, and worcestershire sauce. Does anyone have a different recipe for guacamole dip?

Opening presents!

Andrea and Steffi


yours truly...not sure why Stephen looks half asleep!?
Well there you have it...the parking lot party! Happy Birthday Claudine and thanks for having us!


  1. Hey Lulu. I use avacadoes and picante, Can't say I put much effort into my grac! Love ya, Celeste

  2. I've only made it once. Can't remember if it turned out well or not. Jenny Shaw used to make it all the time during grad school, and it was soo good. We'd all sit on the front porch of Corner House late in the afternoon ... aah the days of college and free time. Happy belated birthday Claudine!!

  3. Laura, You look beautiful in the last picture!! Model!
