
Put on your armor!

We put one of these pictures in our August update, but they are all so funny I had to add them to the blog. The past year we have had children's church during the sermon portion of the service and they just finished a three week study on "the armor of God." We had to get a little creative since church supplies is hard to find in Germany, but I think it turned out okay!

Here they are all dressed and ready. You can see the "Boots" would have been really effective!

The second one from the right is a girl...it may be hard to tell in all the gear.

They were very serious! 

I am not sure if Sebastian (far left) ever figured out what he was doing up there.

We got a little out of control when they started "battling" in their armor but no one was hurt.
Hope you like the pictures!

1 comment:

  1. Too cute!! Looks like someone channeled their Kappa D days when planning this lesson. Pledge retreat anyone??
