
Oh the Lazyboy!

Okay so we have this lovely Lazy-boy in our dining room, it is well, how should I put it, not my favorite piece of furniture. 

For a while I was stumped, I mean what do you do with this thing, slip cover it....thought about it but the weird stretchy slipcovers you have to buy for them scare me a little....I mean how can a single piece of fabric stretch that far? (No offence if you own one and really love it, I have never owned one so I would love your feedback if they really are the cat's meow!)

So I decided I would recover the mustard brown corduroy with a fabric I purchased when a store was going out of business. They did not have many choices left so I took what I could find. It is a very heavy weight fabric though so I am not complaining. 

It was not a very hard project in the end accept for the tufting...it was a bit time consuming but worth it in the end. I found a tutorial randomly online here about how to cover buttons without a fancy machine and it worked like a charm. I couldn't find whatever sting it is you are supposed to use so I ended up with floss attached to washers on the back...I won't show you the trainwreck on the backside of the cushion, luckily that never shows.

So all in all not bad for a cheap solution. Sorry the pictures are a little grimy looking, it has been very grey here lately.

1 comment:

  1. VERY impressed!!! It looks really good. Love seeing your DIY projects. We could team up & recover the world.
