
Wine in the Bible

This post is a a little belated but here goes anyways. Our friend Sven Schmidt (to the left of Stephen)

invited us to a wine tasting that focused on scriptures in the Bible where wine is mentioned. We thought it would be a fun learning experience and opportunity to spend some time with Sven.

The wine tasting was held in a neighboring vineyard town: Auggen. The town has it's own winery and produces a variety of red, white, and rosa wines, along with champagne and other similiar products. We had the opportunity to try 6 different wines throughout the night as we learned about scriptures and the history of wine.

The wine tasting was hosted by a former German Wine Princess (this is a big deal in Germany and is taken very seriously) who became a religion teacher.

Stephen and I had never been to a wine tasting so it was a learning experience. The first step is to swirl the wine and then smell it. In this step you can sense how fruity, or strong, etc. a wine may be.

Next you take a small sip and let it sit in your mouth while you breath a little. I am still not sure what that does, but for people with a refined palette they taste some subtle differences.

We had a nice time testing all the different wines and it is interesting how different they all taste. We each found one that we really enjoyed. I liked a local rosa while Stephen preferred a dry red wine.

We talked a bit with our table.....we were the youngest people there by 20 years!

And finally got our picture with the wine princess herself!

It turned out to be very educational and entertaining. We would love to take you to a wine tasting if your ever in our region..."the tuscany of Germany" as they call it!

1 comment:

  1. looks fun! i'd probably like the pink ones too. the more it tastes like fruit juice the better in my opinion. my tastes are probably very offensive to true wine people.
