
"She can really turn some heads!"

People, people, please don't be jealous! Not everyone is blessed to be sooo spectacular. We are not all given the ability to turn heads and have people stare at us with their mouths wide open, drooling, 
but I am! What can I say....it's the pony! Or as I prefer to call her: "My Little Pony"

 I know what you are thinking....."how can I get some of those mirrors on my vehicle of choice?!"

"How can I own such a versatile, economically electric, scooter/razor that can put the wind in your hair at an astonishing 12.4 miles per hour?"

Yes, the biker did laugh!

All I have to say to that is: not everyone can. My little Pony found me while I was NEVER looking for her! She was given to me because no one else wanted to ride such an embarrassing vehicle and well, I gave her a home!

I haven't seen Vanna modeling anything this spectacular before!

 She may be slower than the average biker, and louder than a car, but she rides like a true champion!

She loves to be out on the open road sidewalk burning rubber and tooting her ever-so-obnoxious horn!

If you want to see her in action, check out her newest film: The Bike Path from Mullheim to Neuenburg 
( I am still working on that title!)


  1. Man, that is a sweet scooter, I want to ride it when I come to visit. I'll have to see if that cool helmet fits! Mom

  2. Oh my goodness. You make that scooter so cool. Especially with the helmet.

  3. Does it have a side car for me to ride in?!?!?
