

These pictures are a little old, but I thought you may like them. Every winter Fastnacht season begins and I hear the groan from Stephen..."not again"! It is a kind of strange tradition where people join clubs to basically dress up in costumes and beat drums through the streets. I guess you could say it is a tad similiar to a sorority or fraternity, but there is no age limit, philanthropy, or really much involved other than partying and tradition. They are basically just to have fun and hang out with friends.

Anyways, the Atomics sell little pins each year as the festival begins to earn money, and this year I got to help! Here we are promoting the goods!

Our friend Ralf is the president of the Atomics and well, an aspiring.....hair model?

Here is a shot of some of the costumes you see on a regular bases. The masks they wear are typically hand carved wood and can cost upwards of 1500 Euros. 

Each club has their turn to walk the streets. Some play music or construct floats, while others breath fire and confetti bomb audience members that are a little to close. If you are a girl on the street you are assured at least one confetti bomb and can count on finding confetti all over your house for the next 2 weeks. 

Lots of clubs will also dress up as witches or other scary creatures.

The audience member on the ground is getting a full fledge confetti bomb. 

Hope you liked the festival. It was fun to watch for the first time and even more fun that I was not the one on the ground with confetti in my mouth!

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