
Happy Birthday!

Just wanted to say H A P P Y  B I R T H D A Y  to three of the best friends a girl could have. 

They have been there from the beginning when warm-up suites and scrunches were cool, 

 and when we lived in t-shirts and sweats.

They laugh at your jokes that to anyone else are not actually funny,

and endure your interesting fashion choices (....all in the name of JT!).

They go to questionable music concerts with you ("I love you Zach!")

and always come to your birthday parties!

They help you experience the best of moments 

and keep you grounded, reminding you of who you are.

They are willing to lend a hand

and you can always count on them to be there. 

Love you Christy, Hil, and Em: wish I could be there to celebrate your birthdays with you!

1 comment:

  1. Aww I LOVE it!!! Thanks for the birthday wishes LL Cool-G :-)
