
Swimming, Snails, and Torture O My!

In the middle of August, Stephen surprised me with a mini-trip on our day off to a near by French town, Riquewihr.  With all the busyness of the summer (we do actually work, you only see the random fun things we do in between), we managed to escape Neuenburg for 24 hours and take in the beautiful historic town nestleat the foot of the Vosges mountains. 

We stayed in your "typical french hotel".....the Best Western...and got to relax a little by the swimming pool! It was a perfect way to start a mini-trip and enjoy the pretty weather. After freshening up we headed into the city to walk around. 

We found our favorite houses!

 And tried on some local merchants handywork!

We tried to decide if we should paint our house a nice minty shade like this one!

After walking for so long a girl gets hungry, so we choose this alsacian restaurant that was off the beaten path for dinner. 

One of us was brave and ordered the local specialty...Escargot...or if your from Alabama, Snails!

To finish the night off we headed back to our room to eat snacks that I packed (shout out to Debo) and watch the Olympics...in French of course! The trip went off without a hitch except for the "Queen" version of european hotel beds. They love to push two twins together and act like it is a queen, but we are not buying it! 

Mind the gap!

In the morning we headed in for breakfast. We tend to be the healthy types so we went for sugar cinnamon donuts and a bacon and cheese covered pretzel washed down with the smallest cup of
coffee you have ever seen!

Before we left we were sure to stop in at the Torture Museum, one of Riquewihr's greatest attractions!
For a 3 Euro entrance fee I was pretty impressed. 

We were first led into the torture chamber that was used for criminals in the area. 

They were hoisted up in the air with their arms tied behind them and then dropped dislocating their shoulders. No thanks, I think I will keep my shoulders located. 

And if that was not bad enough, they made many different devices to torture you even further. One our favorites was the "Flute of Shame" seen below. You heard me, they would clamp your fingers into a flute if you were a "bad musician." Watch Out!

Another device they used was known as the "Finger Crusher!" Forget chinese water torture, these people would just clamp your fingers until they fall off!

After winding through the torture devices you get to see pictures and documents from the war periods fought in this region. It has been invaded, destroyed, and changed nationality a number of times.

Bible that was in the museum with a letter from Roosevelt for soldiers.

And to finish the tour we got to see the old barrels that were used to store wine and other things. 

I didn't know I had such a knack for pageant poses...watch out Miss Riquewihr.

It was a really fun trip and proved to be quite educational, thanks to the torture museum!

1 comment:

  1. Such a fun overnight getaway - thanks for sharing pics! And thanks for the details on torture in small town France. I guess... Glad to see the snacks paid off! Of course I appreciate a good granola bar. I may not be a chef extraordinnaire but we will not go hungry on a trip. Shout out to Stephen's hair cut - I like it.
