
Outdoor Church Service

About a month ago Stephen and I were writing thank you notes at a golf course restaurant in our area (yes, they have golf courses but it cost a fortune to play...hence we were writing not playing) and we stumbled upon a beautiful little chapel about 20 minutes from Neuenburg. It belongs to the German government like all the state run churches and I think it is Catholic, but anyone is allowed to walk around and visit it. 

Here I am inside...when I said little I meant it. They have three pews on each side and a large alter with burning candles upfront. They must have been afraid people would fall asleep because the pews could not have been anymore uncomfortable.

As we walked around we decided we should hold our morning service there in the grassy area out front overlooking the Rhein valley. Usually when we come up with these ideas they NEVER happen, but low and behold we actually did it!!

We setup chairs out front of the church and just had our normal morning worship service. The harp sounded beautiful surrounded by the blooming flowers and lush greenery. We all stood amazed at the power of God to create such a beautiful area and were thankful to be worshipping Him together in His creation. We were even blessed to have some people in the area stop and worship with us. 

Leonie was back from college so that was an added bonus to have her with us. She became a christian last year and we love to have her around. She is currently studying Portugese and South American Culture, not to mention she already speaks German, English, Spanish, and some French. "Make an American feel dumb why don't ya!"

The kids decided that it was a great idea to hit everything with sticks so we had a few flower casualties,
but at least they were not hitting living things.

After the service we had a delicious lunch where everyone brought their favorites. I made American classics chicken salad and deviled eggs which were well received. Frou Widmann was scared of the chicken salad but when she tried it she decided she wanted the recipe!

Stephen and I were greeted with a plethora of flowers from our little friends so we did our best to make the most of them. I am not sure how I feel about flower earmuffs?

Jonah (if you notice the Alabama hat....horrible, but his dad does at least have an Auburn hat), Joshua, and Leonie.

Ulla and Roland (parents of Jonah, Leonie) and the baby in this picture Maria

All the men in the church.

Picnic, sorry it is so dark.

More Flowers with Claudine and Leo. 
So it was great Sunday that hopefully will become a yearly event. Send us any ideas you might have for church events or fellowship opportunities, we love adding in new things.


  1. Did I tell you I got a pair of jorts too? They are from Banana I think, and I really LOVE them. They have sort of become my "Saturday uniform" of the summer.

    Those flowers are gorgeous!

  2. I have an idea for a church event...a church service in Dayton, Ohio! It might be a long way, but it would be awesome and totally worth it. I could find a good location, too. No worries about that. :) Love you!
