
The German Slopes

One of the many benefits of living in cold weather is the occasional trip to the slopes...and I do mean occasional, this was our only visit thus far. We drove rode in what seemed like a never ending circle to a nearby mountain about 45 minutes away with our friend Joseph and hit the slopes. 

Please forgive the butterscotch hat....it was Stephen's and he insisted my cute blue cap was not warm enough!

We had our ups,

and downs,

 but really enjoyed the beautiful morning and fresh air.

In the end we survived the treacherous green slopes and even managed to keep down our breakfast on the ride home....thanks to a little myth busters trick, GINGER!

Come visit us in the winter and you just might get to see our "skills" in person!

1 comment:

  1. You are doing so good on posting these days ... keep it up! Glad the face plant was captured. That's a good one.
