
Joyeux Noel

I know, another christmas post, but it might be the last one! Right before Christmas we headed over the border to Mullhouse with some of our favorite people: Mr. and Mrs. Widmann along with Steffi. 

Entrance to the Church
Some of the Widmann's friends live in France and create a "nativity scene" each year in their local church to celebrate the season. I am sure your wondering, what kind of nativity scene is so special that we would drive twenty minutes to see? My thoughts exactly...until I saw it! It is huge, battery powered, coin operated, and has some figures I never would have guessed would be included in a nativity scene, for-instance— fairies! Yes I said it, big, sparkly, winged, fairies! Try to spot them in this video.....it is only a small taste of the nativity's true awesomeness! (Please excuse the poor video...for some reason I always want to turn the camera vertical....one day I will learn!)

In all seriousness, it was a great trip. Some of the intricate detailed figures are beautiful and I hope next year we can visit again. 

1 comment:

  1. Looks like the "It's a Small World" ride to me. Very impressive!
