
How to Make Lemonade in Majorca, Spain

At the end of April we took a short trip to a spanish island called Majorca to celebrate our anniversary...just a little late! It is a really popular european destination for travelers and there are very affordable flights almost everyday from Germany! We rented a tiny apartment close to the coast and soaked in the sun. Our terrace was bigger than our apartment so we took advantage of grilling out and making homemade lemonade and orange juice from the trees in our garden! 

Here is how we made lemonade....which turned out great I have to say!

Choose the best lemons...not to brown but a little soft. 

Make your husband take a picture too!

Boil a couple cups of water and add some sugar, based on how sweet you want your lemonade. 

Juice your lemons....

and really put your wrist into it!

Add your fresh squeezed lemon juice to the sugar water and refrigerate.


More pictures to come from our trip!

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