
Swept Away!

Just wanted to relive our wedding/honeymoon a little. If you were at our wedding you might have seen our first dance to this song: "Swept Away" by the Avett Brothers. Hope you enjoy it as much as we did!

Our First Dance
Many of you may know, but for our honeymoon we headed to the beach for a while and then onto Clearwater to see the Avett Brothers in concert among other events. We did not have the best seats in the house, but that did not take anything away from the night! Towards the end they played "Swept Away" which just put the concert over the top. They are truly amazing musicians, if they are ever near you in concert we highly recommend attending. 

At the Concert in Clearwater.
As we were leaving the venue we turned around and were shocked to see Stephen's old seminary buddy Andy Johnson and his wife Kelly. It was a nice surprise! They are working on Central Florida's Campus but made the trip to Clearwater for the night. Lucky us!

"To all Haters of the Man-Satchel here is another fine specimen! "'If Indiana Jones can have one, so can we.'"
-Stephen "Man-Satchel lover" Spanjer

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