
Two Happy Spanjer's

Hey guys (or Hey ya’ll depending on whether you are an acquaintance of Stephen or Laura respectively - and if you are friends with both of us then a hearty culture neutral “hello” to you, ‘cause all God’s children got a place in the choir.)  In any case, we two happy Spanjer’s have decided to start a little blog together to keep friends and family abreast of the adventures and everyday happenstances of our lives together overseas.  We hope you’ll check in on us via the blog when you have a free moment and feel free to leave a comment so that we know you stopped by.


  1. Yay - love it! I'm the first one to comment. Do I get a prize for that?? Pioneer Woman gives away cameras,Anthro gift cards, etc - just in case you need suggestions check out her blog. You have my home mailing address. Thanks!!

  2. Spanjers! What Up?! I want to know what a girl needs to do about sending a late wedding gift? Do we need to ship it overseas? if so, do you feel comfortable giving me your address, you can email it to me @ taylorclark0@gmail.com if not then should i send it to Montgomery? will need that address too• now to the real question... what do you both either want or need? i like to do this bc i remember after we got married there were things i realized i needed/wanted but the gift giving had stopped_ so let a sista know - the book has ended ( sorry for the ling comment :)
