
Guest Room MakeOver!

I know the anticipation has been building so I wanted to show you the new guest room. It is the larger of the two bedrooms in our apartment so we decided to use it as the catch all room. It currently serves as our guest room, office, ironing room, equipment storage (if you are married to a baseball player you know how much "stuff" they seem to acquire that I have been assured "are necessities!"), winter storage (they do not believe in closets in German construction.....hence two wardrobes in one room), and last but not least an art room. 

I know what you are thinking: "How can one room serve so many purposes?" Well, we gave it our best shot and here is what we came up with. 

Before Pictures:

Before: Side Wall
Before: Front corner
Before: Front Wall

After Pictures:

After: Side Wall
(this is the view when you enter the room)

I am thinking about adding a bedskirt to the guest bed so we can raise it up a little. I think another pattern would be a nice addition to the room. We bought the least expensive wooden frame from Ikea to go with Stephen's old mattress, but I like the way it turned out. It is really comfortable so you can look forward to a restful night when you come and visit!

After: Bed

After: Back Wall

I love the way the desk area turned out. We debated in Ikea for a while about what kind of desk to get, but when we saw these saw horse legs that tilt the desk top up we were sold. It also works well because there is a ledge below the window to protect the radiator and it helps to create less awkwardness with the desk top butting up to it. I used leftover material from the bottom of the curtains by the bed to just soften the desk windows and am pretty pleased with the cheap solution.

After: Corner View
(sorry the picture is a little dark, we have a chair on the corner by the wardrobe)

After: Front Wall

We found the desk chair in our attic and I recovered the 1970's hunter green corduroy with some fabric from Ikea. I am not in love with the botched stain job someone did on the chair, but it serves it purpose and maybe one day I will get around to painting or restaining it.

After: Desk Chair
After: Desk Area
And last but not least we got these cute little cork boards at where else but Ikea! They are nothing much I am planning on adding some fabric and painting the frame to add some personality. They are practical and hopefully soon will be a pop of color on the walls.

Upcoming Project!


  1. Love it!! You did such a great job. Please provide a little more info on the teddy bear. I am very impressed with your wise use of space - this looks like an awesome sized room. I guess the blow up of us hasn't returned from the print shop? I couldn't seem to locate it in this set of pictures. Have you heard of pinterest? It's a cool way to keep track of ideas. Just joined last week or so & have really enjoyed it. I have begun stalking design/do it yourself/home redo type blogs. Even though I can't seem to carry out any of the ideas really. It's addicting. Wish I could stop. Help. Please.

  2. Great job Laura! It is fun to see you what you have been up to and what life in Germany "looks like." Miss you guys!
