
Astounding feats of Athleticism!

I am not sure you know this, but Stephen is known around these parts as a "hero"....or at least he is in his own head. In honor of his amazing athletic talent Roland Widmann (one of our close friends) made Stephen his very own video. It may change your life, so prepare yourself.

Roland shot this video at the yearly Atomics Walk where we hike up to a BBQ area and then play games and eat all day. We enjoyed the fellowship opportunities and time to spend with Atomics Club members. It was a lot of fun this year and as you can see Stephen was the Featherball Champion!

1 comment:

  1. I think that if I could read German I probably would've been moved to tears at such a performance. But alas, I cannot. So I will just have to assume that accurate words are chosen and say "kudos" to Stephen for his debut on the big screen.
