
Guten Tag!

Sorry it has been a while, we are pretty busy over here with visitors. Stephen's sister Kristy, Chris Fleming, Rob's mom Eileen, Rob's nephew Anthony, and soon to be Aaron are here for about 2 weeks. We have been trying to keep them busy, hence my lack of blogging. I will catch you up on our adventures later.

In any case I wanted to show you some pictures from language school. I started at the beginning of May and go everyday from 9-1 in Freiburg. It is nice to ride the train and just stroll to school. I am enjoying learning the language and my classmates are nice. They come from all over the world so thankfully English is our common language with some German mixed in for good measure. There are 6 units that are each 5 weeks long so I am currently in unit 2. Hopefully I will finish sometime next year and then I will have graduated to spit and spatter on all my fellow Germans!

Here are some pictures from my first day, Stephen went with me to make sure I could find it okay...I didn't ask a random person to photograph me along the way!

Riding the train to Freiburg.

Building and park along my route

My School....or in German "meine Schule"

 Here is a class picture we just took with our mascot Negra! 

My Class from L to R: Kyriakos (Greece), Jonathan (South Carolina), Begonia (Spain), Me, Yong Jun (China),
Mira (Bulgaria), Henry (Ecuador) and his little black dog "Negra," Miriam (Italy), and Ichy (Tibet).

Enjoy! I will be back soon with some softball pictures...WE FINALLY WON A COUPLE GAMES!

1 comment:

  1. Wasn't too hard to pick out the guy from SC - striped Polo gave him away. Glad for some info on language school! Too bad Debo chose math and didn't follow through on her training in German education, or maybe you would've had a head start at TPS.
