
Baking with Tia

Last week I had the pleasure of entertaining the ever delightful Tia. She is a girl that goes to our church and her mom often translates for Stephen when he preaches. Tia's mom is German and her dad is American so she speaks both languages perfectly...lucky girl!

Andy (her Mom) had been sick for about a week so I invited Tia over to bake and do a little craft. In August she came over and helped me make chocolate cupcakes with peanut butter Icing (always a winner) so we decided to do it again. We tried a healthier recipe that does not have eggs, butter, or oil and as much as I want to say you couldn't tell, it ended up being pretty gross. Next time I will just stick to the fattening stuff!

While our cake was backing we painted pumpkins in honor of fall. It turned out to be pretty fun, 

even though my pumpkin looked like this....bless you little pumpkin. I think I was a bit ambitious for a 20 minute painting session with only two colors!

Tia did the icing for us (the only good part about the cake),

and then we sat down for a "Tea Party" or in our case a "Not so Delicious Cake and Milk Party"!

Oh and did you see Tia's shirt? I know you are thinking she looks younger than 30. Some of our German friends gave it to Stephen for his birthday a couple years ago!

Alright, happy baking and let me know if you come across a healthy chocolate cake recipe that actually tastes good.


  1. nope. keep using those eggs and butter if you want it to taste good. but if i do i will let you know! (although the odds of me trying that aren't very high). i have heard that baking with pumpkin is tasty and a good way to avoid oil and butter. haven't personally tried it though

  2. I think I'm going to paint a pumpkin in your honor for Halloween this year. . . sorry I missed your call the other day, work (blah). Call again soon!
