
New Survival Gear

Yesterday, after a long, cold, and rainy trip to school and back I looked out the window and got a big knot in my throat....winter has arrived....not really, but to an Alabama girl it has! We spotted the first traces of snow on the mountains not far from us and suddenly it dawned on me...I don't actually own real winter clothes. I own "Alabama Winter Clothes." You know what I am saying, short sleeve turtlenecks, cute wool shorts and skirts that you wear tights with, and the occasional long sleeve sweater, but not the snow shoveling, windshield scrapping, freezing outside kind. 

So what is a girl to do....head to Ikea! Just kidding, it is not the answer to all things, but luckily for me the clothes version of Ikea does live in Germany and it's name is H&M. Before living in Germany I had only been in H&M a couple times since they are hard to come by in Montgomery, but they are ever so delightful if you are in need of some cheap yet stylish new clothes. 

Here are the purchases from today:
Basic Cream Sweater: 9.99 Euro.
Mustard Colored and really comfortable: 9.99 Euro
Light Heather Greyish Sweater Dress: 19.99 Euro

Cream Wool Hat: 4.95

Girls Size 14+ Knee Length Puffy Jacket: 39.99 Euro
(Stephen found this one and we started laughing when we realized it was a child's size,
but I am glad I tried it on b/c it fits perfectly and was cheaper)

I am sure you will see me sporting these in the future and until then send along any winter tips you may have for this wimpy Alabama girl.

1 comment:

  1. No tips. I share your dislike of cold weather. The low tonight is 38. Gag!! But then the high tomorrow is 70something. It is impossible to dress on these days when the temp swings 30 degrees. Cute finds!! The top sweater is my favorite I think.
