
A Star in the Making

Classic 80's, what could be better?! I discovered the ever-so-delightful 16 Candles while in high school and it has always held a special place in my heart. I have probably watched it a good 20 times and have made Stephen sit through a couple of those....good husband award! 

I am not sure why I loved the movie so much. It could be the cute older boy, the grandma that sounds exactly like my grandma, the hilarious Chinese student....or most likely that someone else had to wear a back brace just like me!

Joan Cusack in 16 Candles

This is no joke people, I really had to wear an almost identical back brace as Joan Cusack's character in 16 Candles. Yes, it went all the way up to my chin and let's just say had a similiar effect when trying to bend over...it was impossible. I had the pleasure of residing in it for 3 years and well, it did not help the cool factor...especially when you add in the glasses, braces, and broken foot. Looking back, I am surprised I had any friends in 6th grade. Luckily, that phase of life is over and I have lived to tell the tell. 

Sorry, long introduction, I will get to the point. So you may not know this, but my super talented younger brother Scott moved to Chicago last year after graduating and now works with my kindred spirit and back brace inspirer (I think I just invented that word): Joan Cusack. Small world! 

Joan opened an art and collectables store called "Judy Maxwell Home" and hired Scott to run the business. Last January I visited Scott and got to meet Joan in person. She is just as hilarious as you would imagine and super down to earth. 

Picture off Judy Maxwells Home Facebook Page

Anyways, to make a long story short, Joan Cusack is the sister of John Cusack who recently got a Star on the Hollywood walk of Fame. My brother Scott wrote Joan's speech for the event and she actually read it. Sadly on this video you only hear the end of it....but it is really funny I have to say. Here is the whole speech that was posted in the LATimes.com:

"I'd like to introduce the most thoughtful kind and majestic human being I've ever met, a perfect soul sent here by the angels to grace us with thought-provoking characters and unmatched comedic timing. Ladies and gentlemen, two-time Academy Award nominee and the person who should really be receiving a star today ....."Joan Cusack!

Way to go Scott...star in the making!

  (ps. if you are reading this....when you make it big, I am expecting some form of payment for all those lessons and dress up games I forced you to play when we were young...they are really paying off now!)

If you are ever in Chicago be sure to check out Judy Maxwell Home and give my brother a big hug! 


Sicily in Picture

The last week in March Stephen and I took a short trip to southern Italy to get away before the start of the crazy summer months. We rented a little bungalow off the coast of Sicily for 4 days and tried to soak in the relaxation. There are three small islands that belong to Sicily and we stayed on the smallest of the three (population of 70...yes, I think we met them all while on the island) Levanzo. Here are some pictures from the trip.

The city of Levanzo and the Port.

Stephen carrying up our groceries...it was a really steep hill.

View from our bungalow...it was on the other side of the island and was about a 12 minute drive by dirt road from the town center. 

The water was really blue....but also really cold!

After our 30 minute hike to the beach....do you like the socks?!

We took a day trip to one of the other islands, Favignana. Squid and Octopus for sale!

We rented bikes for the day and road around the island stopping at all the pretty beaches.

Stephen did some rock climbing.

Lots of the houses had rock cut outs in the back year....we are not sure why but it made a cool picture. 

You can see Levanzo in the background.

My sandals were giving me blisters so Stephen traded with me...he is a good husband!

Catching the 6 am ferry to the mainland on the morning we left. 

Good Bye Levanzo!


Dreams really do come true!

You may not know this about me (unless you sat through a Ringling's Brother circus with me...you really are good friends), but I love all things CIRCUS! I know most people find them kind of creepy, but for some reason I like them. I will say the Familie Kaiser Circus which I posted on earlier was "interesting" for a lack of a better word, but even that had it moments of greatness!

Any true circus lover knows about Cirque de Soleil, it makes Ringling Brothers embarrassed with it's amazing costumes, feats of athleticism, beautiful music, intriguing story-lines, and altogether greatness! I have dreamed about seeing a Cirque show since I was 16 when I discovered Bravo's behind the scenes show "Fire Within"....yes, I did watch a 13 part series on the making of Varekei and I am not even embarrassed to admit it! 

Well, with all that said you can understand why I was thrilled to find out the Cirque (don't you like how we are on a first names bases now) was coming to Strasbourg (a small French town about an hour from us).

Strasbourg train station.

And since I have such a great husband........plus it was kind of part of our 1 year anniversary, 
we got to go! 

He had to get a coffee from McDonalds so we could use the restroom...the cup was only half full too!

First we walked around Strasbourg since I had never been their and visited the main attractions.  Here is the main cathedral of the town.

We sat by the river for a while and watched the people pass by on bikes.

It was a little windy!

We had to get dressed up for the show so I sported some original Alsace (the name of our region in France and Germany) garb!

And sat down for some classic Alsacian food....Flammkuchen and salad right outside the cathedral.

Sadly, we were not allowed to take pictures inside the performance, you know so you don't kill the trapeze performers with a flash, but take my word for it, IT WAS AMAZING!

I hope you can make it to a performance sometime, you will not be disappointed!


The "other" L.A.

Being a designer I love a good stamp.....especially when it has to do with anything Alabama! I saw this article on the al.com blog and love that the commemorative envelope is going to say "Lower Alabama. The "other" L.A." If that is not a true statement I don't know what is!

Picture from al.com blog website

Here is what the article says on al.com:
"The U.S. Postal Service will be offering a special commemorative envelope April 13 in Alabama as part of the 50th anniversary of the movie "To Kill a Mockingbird" based on the book of the same name by Pulitzer Prize-winning author Harper Lee of Monroeville, Alabama.
The unveiling of the pictorial cancellation and cachet will be held in Monroeville at the Monroe County Courthouse. The cachet with a cancelled stamp will cost $40. The commemorative package also will be available through the sponsoring Monroe County Heritage Museum’s website at www.tokillamockingbird.com. The museum will accept checks only.
The Postal Service will also offer Gregory Peck stamps at $9 a sheet with postal workers hand canceling plain envelopes provided by stamp buyers in Monroeville. Peck was the star of the movie as lawyer Atticus Finch. His stamp is part of the "Legends of Hollywood" series."
Got to give a shout out to the ever so delightful Monroeville darling Katie Floyd...I know you will be their, right?!?