
Sicily in Picture

The last week in March Stephen and I took a short trip to southern Italy to get away before the start of the crazy summer months. We rented a little bungalow off the coast of Sicily for 4 days and tried to soak in the relaxation. There are three small islands that belong to Sicily and we stayed on the smallest of the three (population of 70...yes, I think we met them all while on the island) Levanzo. Here are some pictures from the trip.

The city of Levanzo and the Port.

Stephen carrying up our groceries...it was a really steep hill.

View from our bungalow...it was on the other side of the island and was about a 12 minute drive by dirt road from the town center. 

The water was really blue....but also really cold!

After our 30 minute hike to the beach....do you like the socks?!

We took a day trip to one of the other islands, Favignana. Squid and Octopus for sale!

We rented bikes for the day and road around the island stopping at all the pretty beaches.

Stephen did some rock climbing.

Lots of the houses had rock cut outs in the back year....we are not sure why but it made a cool picture. 

You can see Levanzo in the background.

My sandals were giving me blisters so Stephen traded with me...he is a good husband!

Catching the 6 am ferry to the mainland on the morning we left. 

Good Bye Levanzo!

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