
A Star in the Making

Classic 80's, what could be better?! I discovered the ever-so-delightful 16 Candles while in high school and it has always held a special place in my heart. I have probably watched it a good 20 times and have made Stephen sit through a couple of those....good husband award! 

I am not sure why I loved the movie so much. It could be the cute older boy, the grandma that sounds exactly like my grandma, the hilarious Chinese student....or most likely that someone else had to wear a back brace just like me!

Joan Cusack in 16 Candles

This is no joke people, I really had to wear an almost identical back brace as Joan Cusack's character in 16 Candles. Yes, it went all the way up to my chin and let's just say had a similiar effect when trying to bend over...it was impossible. I had the pleasure of residing in it for 3 years and well, it did not help the cool factor...especially when you add in the glasses, braces, and broken foot. Looking back, I am surprised I had any friends in 6th grade. Luckily, that phase of life is over and I have lived to tell the tell. 

Sorry, long introduction, I will get to the point. So you may not know this, but my super talented younger brother Scott moved to Chicago last year after graduating and now works with my kindred spirit and back brace inspirer (I think I just invented that word): Joan Cusack. Small world! 

Joan opened an art and collectables store called "Judy Maxwell Home" and hired Scott to run the business. Last January I visited Scott and got to meet Joan in person. She is just as hilarious as you would imagine and super down to earth. 

Picture off Judy Maxwells Home Facebook Page

Anyways, to make a long story short, Joan Cusack is the sister of John Cusack who recently got a Star on the Hollywood walk of Fame. My brother Scott wrote Joan's speech for the event and she actually read it. Sadly on this video you only hear the end of it....but it is really funny I have to say. Here is the whole speech that was posted in the LATimes.com:

"I'd like to introduce the most thoughtful kind and majestic human being I've ever met, a perfect soul sent here by the angels to grace us with thought-provoking characters and unmatched comedic timing. Ladies and gentlemen, two-time Academy Award nominee and the person who should really be receiving a star today ....."Joan Cusack!

Way to go Scott...star in the making!

  (ps. if you are reading this....when you make it big, I am expecting some form of payment for all those lessons and dress up games I forced you to play when we were young...they are really paying off now!)

If you are ever in Chicago be sure to check out Judy Maxwell Home and give my brother a big hug! 


  1. 1 - twenty times is understatement of the year
    2 - so thankful i was able to look past the back brace & get to have you as my friend. oh, and dont forget the duck heads too :)
    3 - way to go scotty g!! that is SO cool but i can't say i'm surprised. we always knew our little scott had big things in his future

  2. This post is awesome for multiple reasons. So, thank you for letting me look back on the back brace days. Remember how I thought you should wear it all the time? I think I just wanted you to get better :-) Also, thank you for introducing me to 16 Candles. You have impacted my life in many ways and this is one in which I could never repay you. Too bad Joan wasn't in Clueless....Lastly, well done Scott.
