
Dreams really do come true!

You may not know this about me (unless you sat through a Ringling's Brother circus with me...you really are good friends), but I love all things CIRCUS! I know most people find them kind of creepy, but for some reason I like them. I will say the Familie Kaiser Circus which I posted on earlier was "interesting" for a lack of a better word, but even that had it moments of greatness!

Any true circus lover knows about Cirque de Soleil, it makes Ringling Brothers embarrassed with it's amazing costumes, feats of athleticism, beautiful music, intriguing story-lines, and altogether greatness! I have dreamed about seeing a Cirque show since I was 16 when I discovered Bravo's behind the scenes show "Fire Within"....yes, I did watch a 13 part series on the making of Varekei and I am not even embarrassed to admit it! 

Well, with all that said you can understand why I was thrilled to find out the Cirque (don't you like how we are on a first names bases now) was coming to Strasbourg (a small French town about an hour from us).

Strasbourg train station.

And since I have such a great husband........plus it was kind of part of our 1 year anniversary, 
we got to go! 

He had to get a coffee from McDonalds so we could use the restroom...the cup was only half full too!

First we walked around Strasbourg since I had never been their and visited the main attractions.  Here is the main cathedral of the town.

We sat by the river for a while and watched the people pass by on bikes.

It was a little windy!

We had to get dressed up for the show so I sported some original Alsace (the name of our region in France and Germany) garb!

And sat down for some classic Alsacian food....Flammkuchen and salad right outside the cathedral.

Sadly, we were not allowed to take pictures inside the performance, you know so you don't kill the trapeze performers with a flash, but take my word for it, IT WAS AMAZING!

I hope you can make it to a performance sometime, you will not be disappointed!


  1. So cool!! Glad y'all had fun and made some cute pics too. Stephen's sure looking sharp. How many ounces is that coffee cup?!? Jenny & Turner had a circus themed engagement party. I will have to show you the invite - I immediately thought of you when I opened it.

  2. It's on my life to do list to go to Cirque Du Soleil! Glad you enjoyed it!

  3. Lulu so glad you got to go, how fun. Love Ya

  4. Im glad you finally got to go! And for the record, I remember sitting through a few of those behind-the-scenes bravo specials with you...btw, do my eyes deceive me, or is Stephen wearing my Xmas present?! Glad its getting some use!
